
Flyers on sale Flyers on sale
Flyer Flyer
Flyer folded Flyer folded
Flyer roll folded (3 panels) Flyer roll folded (3 panels)
Concertina folded flyers (3 panels) Concertina folded flyers (3 panels)
Flyer open gate fold Flyer open gate fold
Flyer cross-folded Flyer cross-folded
Leporello folded flyer (4 panels) Leporello folded flyer (4 panels)
Flyer concertina cross-folded Flyer concertina cross-folded

Flyer concertina cross-folded

This 12 or 16 pages folded flyer is perfect for plans, maps, programmes or any other product to share a lot of information with customers or partners.

The sheet will be folded twice or thrice vertically in different directions. Afterwards, this zickzack folded sheet will be then folded once vertically to create the cross fold.